How Rebellious Are You?

We each have our own rebellious side and it shows up differently for everyone (PHEW – otherwise we could be in trouble). For the sake of this blog, I will refer to a spiritual rebelliousness expressed through our humanness. If you’re confused by this, I assure you that you will definitely recognize parts of yourself as you keep reading you.

By spiritual rebelliousness, I mean all the intricate behaviours we can come up with in order to not follow guidance we have received or even...

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5 Simple Questions to Breakthrough Your Resistance

I learned that life is about transforming through our life experiences. There is no point in attaching ourselves to what was or what can be. 

We are here to learn, change and grow. We make things much harder on ourselves when we resist our growth…and all for nothing. 

Look at your life right now and ask yourself these questions: 

  • What are you justifying?
  • What are you blaming? 
  • What are you denying?
  • What do you keep replaying in your mind?
  • What are you trying to...
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Stagnant Or In Motion?

It’s the end of another year and I have a few questions for you!

How happy and satisfied are you with where you’re at compared to the beginning of the year? 

How many times did you get caught in your own stories and make excuses for not doing what you wanted to do (or what you knew was best for you to do)?  

Often what happens when we decide on a new vision for our lives or set a new intention is to start off with a bang and move forward, then “life”...

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Are Your Imposing Yourself on Others?

I recently had an interesting realization. 

Before, “being me” meant I had a little rebellious attitude around “ME”. I was a little direct (lightly speaking) and I was imposing who I thought I should be on others in a raw way! 

Now, I am learning that being ME is not imposing myself on others, but rather being aware of what I project and knowing what I want and where I’m going. My imposition was my way of saying “hey! look at me and love...

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A Story in Staying Humble

As I was learning to CHOOSE MEagain, my ego was talking to me in a loud way. It was saying  “you should know better because of all the work you have done on yourself and the work you do with others. You meditate and connect with your soul and you still went off track!”.

To put you in context, I’ve been working in the consciousness field for 10 years and actively working on my self-evolution for at least 15 years. I started meditating at the age of 9 and...

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Time For a New Life Strategy

We never get what we truly want in life by playing with faulty strategies…

“Life is a game that cannot be won or lost, only played”.

This in my favourite life principle, but it was only recently that I realized the unsaid key in this saying is that life is a game that has to be played consciously. 

All too often, we play the game of life completely unconsciously because we don’t realize how much we are influenced by conditionings and ways of being that were...

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What Does it Mean to Choose Yourself?

After writing my blog “Are you putting your happiness and freedom in the hands of hope and illusion?” I received emails asking about how I was able to choose myself and stand in my own power while being in a relationship. 

Let me share experience, my knowledge and what I keep learning as I evolve and work with my clients. 

If you have been following me for a while then you know that we create our own stories and our resistance grows from our programs and beliefs. ...

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Are You Putting Your Happiness and Freedom in the Hands of Hope and Illusion?

I remember taking stock of my life not long ago, asking myself where I was at and where I wanted to go. I had been feeling out of alignment so I had to take a deep-dive inwards with honesty because the impact of the “out of alignment” could be felt in every aspect of my life. In my work I was not fully committed and focused to making things move to where I wanted them to go. In my social life I was barely involved with my friends. And in my love life, I wanted commitment and...

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Are You Choosing Yourself?

Admitting to myself that I have been living on a high, craving immediate gratification and not taking responsibility for creating what I truly want has been one of the toughest and most painful things to do, because let’s face it, my job, my passion and what I have dedicated my life to, is helping people get out of their BS and take charge of their life so they can be happy and free.

I was living the opposite and I did not want to see it. I was not walking my talk…how...

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Vulnerability to Expand Your Ability to Love

One of the things I recently learned is that to experience love, you have to be willing to be vulnerable. What I mean by this is that we need to not be afraid to open up, connect deeply and exchange freely even if it means we can get hurt. The kind of love I am talking about is not based on dependency, unhealthy attachments or obsessions… I am referring to two individuals who are attracted to each other and have the desire to connect on a deeper level.

It’s not easy to be...

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