Transformation is a process; change consciously and the power is yours!

Transformation is a process. We hear that all the time but how often did you wish you could jump to the end result and be “done with it”? You are not alone LOL!!  

We don’t like the uncomfortableness of feeling the pain, moving through the unknown, and feeling lost and overwhelmed. Moving through all this is exactly what “the transformation process” is. It’s through the tough moments that your expansion takes place. This is where you discover new...

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The Necessity of being Authentic

Over the years of working with people, teaching them about how their human side functions in order to be able to align with the truth of who they are,  there are two qualities that seem to be hard to embody:  honesty and authenticity.

Some time ago, I too, had the privilege to deep dive into self-honesty and authenticity and their true meaning. That’s when I truly understood how our humanness can play tricks on us and how Free Will (the power that we, humans, have that allows...

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Stop the Chase!

One of the big traps of self-evolution is not realizing the transformation we go through. We often don’t realize everything we have accomplished, let go of, and who we have become. We often get stuck in thinking we “need to be more” and by doing so, we don’t fully embody who we have become.  The impact of that is that we keep chasing something. We constantly think we have to become more and end up chasing something that is already there. 

It is so important...

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How can I create 2021 to be the year where I take charge of my life?

change evolution gratitude Dec 29, 2020


The beginning of the year is the perfect time to set intentions and goals for the year to come. The problem is that so many people don’t realize they have the power to direct their lives and create what they truly want to experience. And those who do know they can, often don’t succeed because they are not clear and specific about what they want. 

And let’s face it, after what we experienced in 2020, the ONE thing you want for 2021 is to be in charge of it!! ...

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Thereā€™s no going back!

The leaders are trying to bring life back to “normal”... Have you realized that “normal” (or what I call “old ways of being”) means consuming, spending on unnecessary things, bossing 8-9 hours a day obeying and conforming, running around constantly chasing your tail. For those with young kids, it’s also doing homework and driving them to activities before even having cooked dinner! I’m drained just thinking about this. It all seems so outdated.

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What will give you what you truly want? Wanting or Believing

beleive change wanting Sep 29, 2020

Did you notice how often you say you want something? Whether it’s a nice romantic relationship with a partner that treats you exactly how you always dreamed of, or the job that will give you flexibility in your schedule and pay very well or even your dream car. 

I’ll share a little secret that I learnt not long ago.... 

There is a BIG difference between wanting something and believing you can have it. 

The challenge is that we often don’t realize that we...

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What Is True For You vs Your Truth

change life lessons truth Sep 18, 2020

I am so grateful to my support system. I honestly don't know where I would be without it! I am someone who has dedicated her life to self-transformation, which means that I am constantly pushing my limits, exploring where I am keeping myself small and searching for where I could hide the truth from myself or make myself believe something just because I am looking for instant gratification.

Many lessons I had to learn were heart wrenching and over time I came to realize something very...

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Setting a New Foundation

awareness change Jun 17, 2020

In my previous blog, I touched on what is required of us now.  It’s clear that we need to look at what is causing the anger, racism, hatred, resentment, revenge, etc. It’s easy to look at what’s wrong with the world and point the finger, but how does it play out in our daily life? 

It’s time to build a new foundation -  or allow a new way of being to emerge - but first, we must remove the old. Over the past few months, we became aware of what needed to...

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What is Required of Your Right Now?

I have been connecting with many people on social media and with many of my clients recently, and the common ground has been that most people are feeling something brewing but they are not quite clear what… 

Have you been feeling it? The uncertainty, instability, rebelliousness, the hatred, the anger generated by old imposed ways and the injustice caused by the demand and command for people to obey and conform?

This is our time to rise and stand in an energy of compassion, support...

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An Experience in Letting Go

Letting go of a relationship, whether it’s romantic, a friendship or a family member, is one of the hardest things to do when someone is important to us. We’re often not ready for it, but we know it needs to be done. 

The process of letting go can be extremely confusing because the inner push and pull of wanting to be with the person and wanting something different is intense.  The push and pull shows up in different ways…

What feels good right now and what you...

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