The Truth About Stress

The truth about why we can handle more stress when we work on ourselves.

Is it really that we are able to “take on more” or is it something else?

The answer? A little bit of both.

People think that when they do transformational work they can take on more stress. The truth is that this type of work does not just allow you to take on more stress, it allows you to be much less affected by it. Transformational work is powerful.

Typically, the stress comes from all the things you think...

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Navigating Change

change relationships Mar 05, 2019

When change is manifesting in your outside world, it impacts your inner world. You can be confused, overwhelmed, stressed, depressed or even go to the other extreme and be super excited!

When you want to change your inner world, it also impacts your outer world. Relationships can end, you can change careers, and stability and security can now mean something completely different! When everything around us changes it can be confusing, overwhelming and destabilizing.

So how do you navigate...

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Honour Where You Are at and Where You Are Ready to Go

One of the common things I hear from people is the belief about where they think they “should” be in their transformation – or what I call, self-evolution process. It is especially true at the start of the journey.

We tend to compare ourselves and even judge ourselves for not having done the work before or not being far enough along the journey. The thing is, if you had been ready before, you would have started before. Now you either can’t take it anymore or life...

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avoidance change resistance Feb 19, 2019

We are living in a time where we can’t ignore the upleveling happening in humanity.  Individually, it means that we are upleveling too and it can be hard, chaotic and intense. In a very straightforward way, it means we need to face our shit. And facing our shit comes with resistance, like avoidance!

We need to look at what is still keeping us small and what is preventing us from being who we know we truly are deep down inside.

The thing is, sometimes knowing we need to look at our...

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The Awakening Process

awaken beliefs change Feb 12, 2019

The awakening process is hard. We often know we have to change something, but we pretend we don’t have to do anything until we absolutely have no other choice. Some people wait so long that life throws it at them and they hit their wall.

Regardless how it comes, walking the path of transformation can be brutal. It’s brutal because we don’t understand our emotions, we were taught that fear, anger, resentment, doubt and guilt, etc. were bad. It’s brutal because we attach...

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The Story: What is "The Story" vs "Reality"?

beliefs challenges feelings Feb 06, 2019

We have a big challenge as humans and that is to learn to differentiate “the story” of our lives from the “reality”. Understanding this allows us to step into our personal power in order to create the life we are meant to live.

Let me explain, some people call “the story”, illusion. “The story” is what is unfolding in front of our eyes. It’s the drama, the chaos, the stress, the rat race we live in. It’s the meaning and...

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What is Consciousness Coaching vs Traditional Coaching?

I am often asked what the difference between the coaching I do and traditional coaching is. Here is what I say: 

Traditional coaching helps people get from point A to point B. It will look at what you are doing that is not helping you, develop a plan and set goals. It also looks at how you feel along the way, but will focus more on the plan to achieve the goal.  Traditional coaching addresses the “doing”.

Consciousness coaching goes straight to the core of what is...

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Am I Ready for 1:1 Consciousness Coaching?

Consciousness coaching is a powerful journey that helps individuals become strong and confident in their own pillar or centre. My private clients come to me because they are determined to change their life. Most of them have tried many things before and have attended seminars, workshops, read books etc, but they still seem to have a hard time making “the shift”.

Something is not anchoring … and that is normal.

In our society, we are used to learning. We become “book...

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Am I Ready for a Course in Conscious Evolution?

First, let’s look at what conscious evolution IS… conscious evolution is about taking our lives in our own hands and taking full responsibility to align our human life with our soul.

It’s about consciously choosing to let go of ways of being that were imposed on us or passed down to us.

It’s about taking the reins on your life and releasing what is keeping you small and stopping you from feeling fulfilled.

It’s about feeling at peace and letting go of...

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How Will You Choose to Live 2019?

First, let’s look at the year that is finishing…

Was 2018 a year of liberation, expansion, freedom and clarity accompanied with a sense of inner peace?

Did you take your life in your own hands and learn how to use your internal guidance to let go of what was keeping you small so you can move forward with clarity and confidence?

Or was 2018 a year of confusion, frustration, stress, pressure, overwhelm and delays? If this is the case, what are you ready to do about it? If you...

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