“Outside in” or “Inside out”?

Have you noticed how obvious it is now that we’ve been conditioned to live from the ”outside-in“ as opposed to the “inside out”?   We’re constantly looking for something or someone on the outside of us to make us feel better about ourselves. Whether it’s the approval from our boss, recognition from our loved ones, being special to someone, etc. We constantly seek to fill a void or insecurity with something on the outside making us depend on...

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The world needs us, it’s not time to back down

breakthrough freedom Feb 18, 2022

Needless to say, we are experiencing the crumble of an era and it’s f*cking hard!!! I remember in 2009 when I started my spiritual journey, I was shown that two worlds would form on Earth. I didn’t understand what that meant or how that could happen, even less why… and I certainly didn’t think I would live through it!! 

We are at the start of a major revolution. People are waking up!!! We have reached the number of awakened people needed to move to a higher...

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What darkness will do to you

We all have a human side and our Soul. When our Humanness aligns with our Soul, our True Self emerges. The thing is as humans, only a few of us know how to listen and align with our Souls. We were not taught how to work with our humanness, listen to the guidance in order to align with our Soul. This leaves us feeling empty, lonely and often chasing the wrong things. We don’t realize that we’re operating on patterns that don’t serve us and wounds that hurt us. 

I know...

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Walking the bridge from an ending to a new beginning…

This is the journey that scares most of us. It feels like we are leaving something behind. Often, we can’t see clearly ahead, we’re not sure where to go, what to do or what feels right. 

Learning to walk that bridge is crucial, especially with all the major changes humanity is going through and its impact on us Humans. How not to fall under the influence of others and old patterns. We need to learn how to be courageous, strong, determined and patient.  Learning to listen...

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Time to put yourself first

There’s a time that comes when you realize that when you give your time, energy, and attention to others for their success, you end up empty-handed. 

I know this because I lived it myself, twice, and I see it with my clients every day. There’s nothing wrong with wanting to help others and contribute to their wellbeing, it’s the motive behind why we do it that matters. Many do it for different reasons. 

  • To be loved, 
  • To be accepted, 
  • To be recognized,
  • To...
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Why so many tough moments in life?

I experienced some hardship and very tough moments recently and I am grateful for them  (and all those before!). I needed a lot of courage to face and own what I had created in my life but the strength and expansion these hard moments allowed me to take are unmeasurable.  

We can choose to live life through the lens of the difficult moments or circumstances, play the victim and allow them to have power over our happiness and experience of life. Or we can choose to use them as...

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5 Simple Questions to Breakthrough Your Resistance

I learned that life is about transforming through our life experiences. There is no point in attaching ourselves to what was or what can be. 

We are here to learn, change and grow. We make things much harder on ourselves when we resist our growth…and all for nothing. 

Look at your life right now and ask yourself these questions: 

  • What are you justifying?
  • What are you blaming? 
  • What are you denying?
  • What do you keep replaying in your mind?
  • What are you trying to...
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