Time to put yourself first

There’s a time that comes when you realize that when you give your time, energy, and attention to others for their success, you end up empty-handed. 

I know this because I lived it myself, twice, and I see it with my clients every day. There’s nothing wrong with wanting to help others and contribute to their wellbeing, it’s the motive behind why we do it that matters. Many do it for different reasons. 

  • To be loved, 
  • To be accepted, 
  • To be recognized,
  • To...
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Those choices that tear you apart

The impact of hard choices

I will be blunt here…. Life is freaking hard…. And sometimes life sucks! However, thanks to those moments, life is also beautiful and magical. Without the hardship, we would not experience the beauty of life. Our capacity to experience amazing moments is directly related to our willingness to experience and face the hard ones…. 

I’m known to be someone who loves life and is an optimist. I love life but one thing I understood is that...

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Reviewing the year 2020 and what we learnt from it

Let’s just say that if there is a year you want to review before moving on to the next, it is certainly 2020!! We have been going through so much change and uncertainty that it’s important we check in with ourselves to see where we are at, to look at what needs to be integrated and what we need to learn.

First off, why even review your year?? Good question! Reviewing our year is a practice to do to see if we are moving in alignment with what we want to create in our life. If...

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There’s no going back!

The leaders are trying to bring life back to “normal”... Have you realized that “normal” (or what I call “old ways of being”) means consuming, spending on unnecessary things, bossing 8-9 hours a day obeying and conforming, running around constantly chasing your tail. For those with young kids, it’s also doing homework and driving them to activities before even having cooked dinner! I’m drained just thinking about this. It all seems so outdated.

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Why so many tough moments in life?

I experienced some hardship and very tough moments recently and I am grateful for them  (and all those before!). I needed a lot of courage to face and own what I had created in my life but the strength and expansion these hard moments allowed me to take are unmeasurable.  

We can choose to live life through the lens of the difficult moments or circumstances, play the victim and allow them to have power over our happiness and experience of life. Or we can choose to use them as...

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Our Ultimate Power

choice power to choose Apr 13, 2020

The one thing no one can take away from you is your power of choice. And right now, you can choose what mindset you embody. 

What we are experiencing is VERY hard. We are confined in one place, sharing space with people 24/7 or are home alone. How you choose to experience these times is crucial for you mentally, emotionally and physically. 

What can you do to not fall into the numbness of “doing nothing” and overload of information about the Covid-19? 


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The Pandemic Opportunity

The story is real. Stores, banks, restaurants, gyms, schools and most businesses are closed to stop the virus from spreading. People are losing their jobs – temporarily or not…   

This is a hit to the economy and a blow to many individuals. We are being forced to reassess our ways of living and being. Going back to what is essential and looking at what is really important for us is a must. The world is changing and we cannot deny it. There is no going back. 


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Standing in Your Power

Standing in your own power is such a freeing experience. The experience may differ from person to person, but the one thing in common is that it stems from the clarity and confidence of being who you truly are.

It’s like having a strong and solid pillar inside your center and nothing can take it down. Everything emanates from that pillar, all of your choices, experiences, thoughts and emotions stem from there. 

The amazing thing is that when you do your inner-work and let go of...

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A Story in Staying Humble

As I was learning to CHOOSE MEagain, my ego was talking to me in a loud way. It was saying  “you should know better because of all the work you have done on yourself and the work you do with others. You meditate and connect with your soul and you still went off track!”.

To put you in context, I’ve been working in the consciousness field for 10 years and actively working on my self-evolution for at least 15 years. I started meditating at the age of 9 and...

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What Does it Mean to Choose Yourself?

After writing my blog “Are you putting your happiness and freedom in the hands of hope and illusion?” I received emails asking about how I was able to choose myself and stand in my own power while being in a relationship. 

Let me share experience, my knowledge and what I keep learning as I evolve and work with my clients. 

If you have been following me for a while then you know that we create our own stories and our resistance grows from our programs and beliefs. ...

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