Becoming the most important person in your life.

When we become the most important person in our life, we start making choices that bring us in alignment with our true selves. This has been a lesson that I’ve been learning over the past year and a half. 

The problem is that we often make others more important than ourselves. We don’t even realize that we make our choices based on others; based on their reactions, on what they want/prefer, or what we think will please them most.  Whether it’s about what to eat,...

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Remember to Celebrate!

In the world of self-transformation, something we don’t do often enough that can potentially have a negative impact on us, in the long run, is to celebrate how far we’ve come. In the past, I was the first to be guilty of not celebrating my transformation. We get so caught up in our world that we simply don’t keep track of all the times we had to face our shit, cry our eyes out, let go of people and situations that were not in our best interest.  We invested so much time...

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Transformation is a process; change consciously and the power is yours!

Transformation is a process. We hear that all the time but how often did you wish you could jump to the end result and be “done with it”? You are not alone LOL!!  

We don’t like the uncomfortableness of feeling the pain, moving through the unknown, and feeling lost and overwhelmed. Moving through all this is exactly what “the transformation process” is. It’s through the tough moments that your expansion takes place. This is where you discover new...

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There’s no going back!

The leaders are trying to bring life back to “normal”... Have you realized that “normal” (or what I call “old ways of being”) means consuming, spending on unnecessary things, bossing 8-9 hours a day obeying and conforming, running around constantly chasing your tail. For those with young kids, it’s also doing homework and driving them to activities before even having cooked dinner! I’m drained just thinking about this. It all seems so outdated.

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Slowing Down...

What does it really mean and why is it so hard???

I know for myself, moving and going fast meant I didn’t have to feel as much. It also gave me the impression of building something and moving forward… Little did I know that moving fast was actually keeping me from moving forward!!!

At one point, I had to slow down … and I didn’t know how. To me, slowing down meant stopping. I couldn’t STOP, I wanted to work, make a difference and share my message.

So how did I...

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