How can I create 2021 to be the year where I take charge of my life?

change evolution gratitude Dec 29, 2020


The beginning of the year is the perfect time to set intentions and goals for the year to come. The problem is that so many people don’t realize they have the power to direct their lives and create what they truly want to experience. And those who do know they can, often don’t succeed because they are not clear and specific about what they want. 

And let’s face it, after what we experienced in 2020, the ONE thing you want for 2021 is to be in charge of it!! ...

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There’s no going back!

The leaders are trying to bring life back to “normal”... Have you realized that “normal” (or what I call “old ways of being”) means consuming, spending on unnecessary things, bossing 8-9 hours a day obeying and conforming, running around constantly chasing your tail. For those with young kids, it’s also doing homework and driving them to activities before even having cooked dinner! I’m drained just thinking about this. It all seems so outdated.

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What Does it Mean to Choose Yourself?

After writing my blog “Are you putting your happiness and freedom in the hands of hope and illusion?” I received emails asking about how I was able to choose myself and stand in my own power while being in a relationship. 

Let me share experience, my knowledge and what I keep learning as I evolve and work with my clients. 

If you have been following me for a while then you know that we create our own stories and our resistance grows from our programs and beliefs. ...

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Am I Ready for a Course in Conscious Evolution?

First, let’s look at what conscious evolution IS… conscious evolution is about taking our lives in our own hands and taking full responsibility to align our human life with our soul.

It’s about consciously choosing to let go of ways of being that were imposed on us or passed down to us.

It’s about taking the reins on your life and releasing what is keeping you small and stopping you from feeling fulfilled.

It’s about feeling at peace and letting go of...

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Three Qualities to Start Your Self-Evolution Journey

We are finally seeing it! More and more people are waking up to the fact that living life the way they are only bringing more unhappiness, emptiness and feeling unfulfilled. Maybe it’s you… Do you want out of the stressful lifestyle you got yourself into? On a certain level, you “have it all”, the big car, the big house, 2-3 vacations per year but yet, you’re realizing that you’re always chasing something that never comes.

I know how it is. I was there 14...

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