Vulnerability to Expand Your Ability to Love

One of the things I recently learned is that to experience love, you have to be willing to be vulnerable. What I mean by this is that we need to not be afraid to open up, connect deeply and exchange freely even if it means we can get hurt. The kind of love I am talking about is not based on dependency, unhealthy attachments or obsessions… I am referring to two individuals who are attracted to each other and have the desire to connect on a deeper level.

It’s not easy to be...

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Slowing Down...

What does it really mean and why is it so hard???

I know for myself, moving and going fast meant I didn’t have to feel as much. It also gave me the impression of building something and moving forward… Little did I know that moving fast was actually keeping me from moving forward!!!

At one point, I had to slow down … and I didn’t know how. To me, slowing down meant stopping. I couldn’t STOP, I wanted to work, make a difference and share my message.

So how did I...

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The Truth About Stress

The truth about why we can handle more stress when we work on ourselves.

Is it really that we are able to “take on more” or is it something else?

The answer? A little bit of both.

People think that when they do transformational work they can take on more stress. The truth is that this type of work does not just allow you to take on more stress, it allows you to be much less affected by it. Transformational work is powerful.

Typically, the stress comes from all the things you think...

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Honour Where You Are at and Where You Are Ready to Go

One of the common things I hear from people is the belief about where they think they “should” be in their transformation – or what I call, self-evolution process. It is especially true at the start of the journey.

We tend to compare ourselves and even judge ourselves for not having done the work before or not being far enough along the journey. The thing is, if you had been ready before, you would have started before. Now you either can’t take it anymore or life...

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30 Days to Creating Your Personal Freedom Journal

Those of you who know me will agree when I say I’m all about self-evolution. The great thing with self-evolution is that it raises our energy, which in turn has a ripple effect on the evolution of the world. Since we are at a turning point in the evolution of Humanity, this work has a special place in my heart.

The idea of creating a journal came to me as I noticed that my clients didn’t know how to integrate the notion of looking for “what works” in their lives and...

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What Are You Impressed By?

self-reflection Apr 26, 2016

If you take a moment to think back of your childhood …. can you recall what it was that made you think wow?  Was it driving in a sports car with an aunt or uncle, was it shopping at a big department store with your grandparents and thinking “I can’t wait until I’m older and I can buy whatever I want”, or what it a taste of envy when a classmate travelled abroad and your family only went camping locally for holidays or not at all?  Whatever it may have...

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The Most Beautiful Dream

I just had the most beautiful dream ever. It took me about 4 hours before I could figure out the meaning… Here it is.

The dream: 

It was in an unknown town, my kids were with me. I am not sure if I was being chased or if there weres “bad guys with guns” in town but I remember having to hide and then run with my kids to avoid getting shot. Some people were hit but the three of us were fine. I remember telling myself “Wow, it’s a miracle that we haven’t...

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