Slowing Down...

What does it really mean and why is it so hard???

I know for myself, moving and going fast meant I didn’t have to feel as much. It also gave me the impression of building something and moving forward… Little did I know that moving fast was actually keeping me from moving forward!!!

At one point, I had to slow down … and I didn’t know how. To me, slowing down meant stopping. I couldn’t STOP, I wanted to work, make a difference and share my message.

So how did I slow down?

I needed to take a step back, assess where I was at, what worked and what didn’t. I also had to reassess where I wanted to go, make sure I was still on track.

I needed to understand what created the “urgency” which was pushing me to go fast.

Urgency equaled fear and I feared a lot. I feared missing out, I feared not making money, I feared not achieving my goal and I feared not building the legacy I truly wanted to build.

As we know, what we fear is actually what we create. By moving fast, I was missing the essence of my journey of self-transformation, I was missing the path that leads to the ultimate goal! I was missing the lessons. I had to start over three times (because there is never 2 without 3) before understanding that the richness of life is in the experience of slowing down.

I needed to slow down and truly bite into the depth of the moment even when it meant being in a “tough moment”. There was (and always will be) so much wisdom in there. I understood that the “depth of the moment” is where the wisdom hides and being in it allowed me to feel and see the driving force behind my behaviour. This gave me wisdom about myself and how I respond to situations and wisdom about the situation itself.

Slowing down also allowed me to listen to my guidance. This is something powerful, but not always easy to do. We can clearly see, feel, and hear guidance from the depth of the present moment.

If you need help with finding the wisdom in the tough times, or just understanding how to slow down without losing focus, reach out to me here.

I can definitely guide you!


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