There needs to be a Revolution, a Revolution of Consciousness

Since March 2020, we have been forced to change how we live and operate. Many had to face what they had been avoiding for a long time… looking at themselves, what they created for themselves and how happy/unhappy they felt. Others are still hanging onto the hope that things will return back to “normal” or something close to “normal”. 

The truth is, we've been living in a very disconnected way. Prisoners of the old patriarchal way of living which is killing...

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Walking the bridge from an ending to a new beginning…

This is the journey that scares most of us. It feels like we are leaving something behind. Often, we can’t see clearly ahead, we’re not sure where to go, what to do or what feels right. 

Learning to walk that bridge is crucial, especially with all the major changes humanity is going through and its impact on us Humans. How not to fall under the influence of others and old patterns. We need to learn how to be courageous, strong, determined and patient.  Learning to listen...

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Time to put yourself first

There’s a time that comes when you realize that when you give your time, energy, and attention to others for their success, you end up empty-handed. 

I know this because I lived it myself, twice, and I see it with my clients every day. There’s nothing wrong with wanting to help others and contribute to their wellbeing, it’s the motive behind why we do it that matters. Many do it for different reasons. 

  • To be loved, 
  • To be accepted, 
  • To be recognized,
  • To...
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Some days are shitty. Some days are hard. Some days you simply want to hide and it’s all ok.

We need to recognize that life is not always rainbows and unicorns (actually, it’s often not!). We would LOVE to have fun and have the feeling of “flying” every day but this is not life. We need highs and lows to know what we want, what we don’t want, what we like and don’t like. 

The hard and shitty days are also there as learning opportunities.  Whether or not you are on the self-transformation journey, we all experience highs and lows. Learning to...

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Are you saying YES!?!

Uncategorized Aug 09, 2021

People often find change very hard to move through.  And it’s true, it is hard!!! We hang on to what we know and what feels secure. I am the first to hang on to what I know, what is comfortable and what brings security (or brings the illusion of security!). On top of everything, I am very stubborn. 

Everything changed for me when I understood that change is not only about what we’re letting go of but more what we’re saying yes to. We are so focused on our pain and...

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The dance we are seeking

Uncategorized Aug 05, 2021

Our biggest struggle in facing change is trying to align or reconcile the human side of us and our spiritual side. With free will, we can choose whatever we want regardless of what our soul is here to learn and experience. 

The challenge we are facing now is that many of us are still unconscious, the majority of the population doesn’t even know they can listen to their soul and follow their pull. People don’t realize that we could “have it all” when we listen to...

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Becoming the most important person in your life.

When we become the most important person in our life, we start making choices that bring us in alignment with our true selves. This has been a lesson that I’ve been learning over the past year and a half. 

The problem is that we often make others more important than ourselves. We don’t even realize that we make our choices based on others; based on their reactions, on what they want/prefer, or what we think will please them most.  Whether it’s about what to eat,...

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Remember to Celebrate!

In the world of self-transformation, something we don’t do often enough that can potentially have a negative impact on us, in the long run, is to celebrate how far we’ve come. In the past, I was the first to be guilty of not celebrating my transformation. We get so caught up in our world that we simply don’t keep track of all the times we had to face our shit, cry our eyes out, let go of people and situations that were not in our best interest.  We invested so much time...

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Transformation is a process; change consciously and the power is yours!

Transformation is a process. We hear that all the time but how often did you wish you could jump to the end result and be “done with it”? You are not alone LOL!!  

We don’t like the uncomfortableness of feeling the pain, moving through the unknown, and feeling lost and overwhelmed. Moving through all this is exactly what “the transformation process” is. It’s through the tough moments that your expansion takes place. This is where you discover new...

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The Necessity of being Authentic

Over the years of working with people, teaching them about how their human side functions in order to be able to align with the truth of who they are,  there are two qualities that seem to be hard to embody:  honesty and authenticity.

Some time ago, I too, had the privilege to deep dive into self-honesty and authenticity and their true meaning. That’s when I truly understood how our humanness can play tricks on us and how Free Will (the power that we, humans, have that allows...

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