A Story in Staying Humble

As I was learning to CHOOSE MEagain, my ego was talking to me in a loud way. It was saying  “you should know better because of all the work you have done on yourself and the work you do with others. You meditate and connect with your soul and you still went off track!”.

To put you in context, I’ve been working in the consciousness field for 10 years and actively working on my self-evolution for at least 15 years. I started meditating at the age of 9 and...

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What is Consciousness Coaching vs Traditional Coaching?

I am often asked what the difference between the coaching I do and traditional coaching is. Here is what I say: 

Traditional coaching helps people get from point A to point B. It will look at what you are doing that is not helping you, develop a plan and set goals. It also looks at how you feel along the way, but will focus more on the plan to achieve the goal.  Traditional coaching addresses the “doing”.

Consciousness coaching goes straight to the core of what is...

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