Being focused on feeding our wound rather than taking responsibility for our life.

Uncategorized Apr 07, 2021

There is a theme I’ve been witnessing lately with my clients and with many people I come across including myself. We are being called to take FULL RESPONSIBILITY for our lives. There is something about what Humanity is going through that pushes us to look at how we’ve been living and showing up to ourselves. Many of my clients are realizing how they have kept themselves locked in destructive patterns and how they’ve been playing small, how they have been unconsciously conditioned and simply not happy. Does that resonate with you?

Clients come to me for different reasons, some because they’re not enjoying life in some way shape, or form. Others are overwhelmed, lost, depressed, and disconnected. And some simply want direction on how to access their next level. Regardless of how much self-transformation work they did, they want something different. They all want to create something new for themselves. In a nutshell, they want to experience inner peace and freedom. Freedom from what was imposed on them and what they were told to believe and be. They want to align with who they truly are and design THEIR life.

It’s time to take full responsibility for our lives and show up to ourselves!

We don’t take full responsibility because we are disconnected from who we truly are due to the wounds we have and don’t want to feel or see.
But how do we get so disconnected and lost? Why do we have a hard time finding the way to our true selves? The deep wounds created destructive behaviors and disconnection from who you truly are. We build protection mechanisms to help us cope and move through life. It makes us behave in ways that we don’t even understand and can’t even conceive the impact and consequences.

We often don’t realize that our deepest wounds prevent us from seeing clearly and taking responsibility for our life.

I’ll share an example with a personal experience. My wound was loneliness. My loneliness showed up as the feeling of not being wanted, not being chosen or important. I had to face the self-destruction this wound had caused. I had low standards in my intimate relationships. I was willing to accept crumbs just to feel wanted or important. This meant that I was constantly starving and I didn't even know it. I was making myself believe that all was ok and that I was happy when deep down, I was in deep pain. My loneliness was being triggered every day because I was not getting what I wanted. I was in such pain that the only thing that mattered was to not feel it. But I wanted to do everything and anything to get attention or fill the void. At one point, there was nowhere else to go, I had to face it. My state of being was in need of a major intervention if I wanted to live my life's purpose, feel fulfilled and make a difference.

Many are at a similar place right now. Some are more conscious about it than others but we have to face what is keeping us locked in our old ways of being. If you recognize yourself or can relate in some way, it’s normal to be confused, overwhelmed, lost, or to not know how to “be” and feel like nothing fits anymore… because nothing does!

It’s time to stop feeding our wounds by acting on fear, shame, anger, or any other destructive energies. The only way to stop feeding our wound is to become conscious of it and understand how it has been dictating our entire life. I don’t know how many times I self-sabotaged myself by making someone else more important than me and not building or focussing on my business like I truly wanted. I always made my life partner my Universe instead of myself… When I stopped eating crumbs, I started taking responsibility for my life and showing up for myself, treating myself with care and compassion.

My question to you is where do you need to take responsibility for your life? Where are you complaining about something or where are you settling for less? Where are you hoping someone will come and rescue you? Where are you pushing people away? (Hiding is part of the game we play when we don’t want to take responsibility.)
What is the pattern that keeps repeating?

If you need help and guidance, reach out. It’s time to free yourself. Book your free discovery call to see what program suits you.


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